EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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Text File
500 lines
$VER: Wordo, v2.31 (4-Nov-96) by Dotoran!
options results ; signal on SYNTAX ; signal on ERROR ; signal on IOERR
tr=transmit ; se=sendstring ; gu=getuser
mstring='Yes Yes Think Yes 0' ; changewhere 'Wordo Game'
gu 1 ; handle=result ; gu 15 ; ac=result
loadscratch 1 ; savescratch (-1) ; getscratch 15 ; ac1=result
gu 1311992 ; path=result ; scorepath = path'Wordo.scores'
docspath = path'Wordo.docs' ; titlepath = path'Wordo.title'
if ~exists(scorepath) then call MAKESCORES
call READMAINT ; getuser 15 ; ac=result
if ac~=ac1 then signal TITLE
se 'c7n2Enter c5WORDO c7Maintenance? c3(c6yc3/c6Nc3)c7: c5'
getchar ; an=result ; call CHECK
if an~='Y' then do ; tr 'No.' ; signal TITLE ; end
tr 'Yes.' ; fl=0
call MAINT2
se '*4'titlepath'}'
se 'c7Need instructions? c3(c6yc3/c6Nc3)c7: c5' ; getchar
an=result ; call CHECK ; if an~="Y" then do ; tr 'No' ; signal START ; end
tr 'Yes' ; tr '@4#0'docspath'}' ; exit
call WORDS ; call POINTS ; call SHOWSCORES
turns=0 ; myturns=0 ; totpips=0 ; mytotpips=0 ; first=0
elim=1 ; mypick=1 ; mypick1=0 ; ghint=''
se 'n1c6Do you wish to go first? c7(c3Yc7/c3nc7)c6:c2 '
call GCHAR ; fm=1 ; if an="N" then fm=0
if m4~='Yes' then do ; hint=0 ; signal START2 ; end
se 'n1c6Do you want the c2HINT c6option? c7(c3Yc7/c3nc7)c6: c2'
call GCHAR ; hint=0 ; if an~="N" then hint=1
tr 'f1'
if fm=1 then call YOUCHOOSE
if fm=0 then call ICHOOSE
signal BOARD
se 'f0n6c3Pick start letter: c6(c7Ac6-c7zc6)c3: h1c5'
lo=1 ; hi=5 ; getchar ; an=result ; call CHECK ; tr an
av=pos(an,'A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ')
if av=0 then signal YOUCHOOSE
call YOUCHOOSE2 ; signal DISPLAY
a1=a.av ; av=av+1 ; a2=a.av ; av=av-1
do i=1 to 10 ; w.i=subword(a1,i,1) ; end
do i=11 to 20 ; w.i=subword(a2,i-10,1) ; end
f1=0 ; f2=0
w=w.lo ; w1=upper(left(w,1)) ; iv=hi/5
tr 'f0n8z7c1Words:z0 c6'w1'c7-c6'iv'n1'
do i=0 to 4 ; in=lo+i ; tr 'c7'i+1'. c2'w.in ; end
tr 'n1c6Fc7. c6Fc7orwardn1c6Bc7. c6Bc7ackward'
se 'c6Lc7. c7New c6Lc7ettern2c3Choice: h1c5'
getchar ; an=result ; call CHECK ; tr an'n1' ; a=pos(an,'12345')
if a>0 then call CHOSE
if an=f then call FORWARD
if an=b then call BACKUP
if an=l then call YOUCHOOSE
signal DISPLAY
in=(lo+a)-1 ; yourword=w.in
if fm=1 then signal ICHOOSE
signal BOARD
lo=lo-5 ; hi=hi-5
if lo<1 then do ; f1=1 ; call MOVE ; call YOUCHOOSE2 ; end
lo=lo+5 ; hi=hi+5
if hi>20 then do ; f2=1 ; call MOVE ; call YOUCHOOSE2 ; end
if f1=1 then do ; av=av-2 ; lo=16 ; hi=20 ; end
if f2=1 then do ; av=av+2 ; lo=1 ; hi=5 ; end
if av<1 then do ; av=51 ; lo=16 ; hi=20 ; end
if av>51 then do ; av=1 ; lo=1 ; hi=5 ; end
t1=random(1,52,time('s')) ; a1=a.t1
if fm=0 then signal YOUCHOOSE
se 'f1@4 z7c1HUMANz0 z7c4PIPSz0 z7c1HUMANz0 z7c4PIPSz0 c3(c5'yourword
tr 'c3) z7c4AMIGAz0 z7c1PIPSz0 z7c4AMIGAz0 z7c1PIPSz0n1'
tr 'c7100 c6_____ c2_ c750 c6_____ c2_ c7100 c6_____ c2_ c750 c6_____ c2_'
tr 'c7 95 c6_____ c2_ c745 c6_____ c2_ c7 95 c6_____ c2_ c745 c6_____ c2_'
tr 'c7 90 c6_____ c2_ c740 c6_____ c2_ c7 90 c6_____ c2_ c740 c6_____ c2_'
tr 'c7 85 c6_____ c2_ c740 c6_____ c2_ c7 85 c6_____ c2_ c740 c6_____ c2_'
tr 'c7 80 c6_____ c2_ c740 c6_____ c2_ c7 80 c6_____ c2_ c740 c6_____ c2_'
tr 'c7 75 c6_____ c2_ c740 c6_____ c2_ c7 75 c6_____ c2_ c740 c6_____ c2_'
tr 'c7 70 c6_____ c2_ c735 c6_____ c2_ c7 70 c6_____ c2_ c735 c6_____ c2_'
tr 'c7 65 c6_____ c2_ c735 c6_____ c2_ c7 65 c6_____ c2_ c735 c6_____ c2_'
tr 'c7 60 c6_____ c2_ c735 c6_____ c2_ c7 60 c6_____ c2_ c735 c6_____ c2_'
tr 'c7 55 c6_____ c2_ c735 c6_____ c2_ c7 55 c6_____ c2_ c735 c6_____ c2_n1'
tr 'c21c7: c6A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z'
tr 'c22c7: c6A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z'
tr 'c23c7: c6A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z'
tr 'c24c7: c6A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z'
tr 'c25c7: c6A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Zn1'
tr 'z7 c0Menu: [c1Ec0]c4nter a guess c0[c1Sc0]c4trike a letter z0'
tr ' z7 c0[c4Cc0]c1hoose alphabet c0[c4Rc0]c1eplace a letter z0'
tr ' z7 c0[c1Qc0]c4uit the game c0[c1Hc0]c4ighlight a letter z0'
if hint=1 then tr 'f0ndn7z5 z0c3Hint:z5 z0n1z5 z0 z5 z0'
tr 'f0ndz7c11z0'
if fm=1 then signal PLAY
if fm=0 then signal MYPLAY
se 'f0n9n9n1>f>f>f>bz7c1 Menu:z0 c6' ; getchar
co=result ; call CHECK ; z=pos(co,"ECQSRH") ; if z=0 then signal PLAY
if co=Q then do ; tr 'Quit Game' ; signal FINISH ; end
if co=C then do ; tr 'Choose' ; call CHOOSE ; end
if co=E then do ; tr 'Enter' ; call YOUCHOOSE2 ; signal ENTER ; end
if co=S then do ; tr 'Strike' ; signal STRIKE ; end
if co=R then do ; tr 'Replace' ; signal REPLACE ; end
if co=H then do ; tr 'Highlight' ; signal HIGHLIGHT ; end
signal PLAY
tr 'f0n9n3' ; do i=0 to 4 ; in=lo+i
tr '>9>9>9>9>9>bc7'i+1'. c2'w.in ; end
tr 'f0n9n4>f>f>f>f>5c7[c1Fc7]c3orward'
tr 'n1>f>f>f>f>5c7[c1Bc7]c3ackup'
tr 'n1>f>f>f>f>5c7[c1Lc7]c3etter'
se 'n1>f>f>f>bz7c4 Choose:z0 h7c6' ; getchar
an=result ; call CHECK ; a=pos(an,"12345") ; aa=pos(an,"12345FBL")
if a>0 then do ; tr ' ' ; signal CHOSE2 ; end
if an=f then do ; tr 'Forward' ; call FORWARD ; end
if an=b then do ; tr 'Backup' ; call BACKUP ; end
if an=l then do ; se 'Letter!1<e' ; signal ENTER2 ; end
if aa=0 then signal PLAY
signal ENTER
se 'c6Which Onec3: c5' ; call GETLET
av=letter ; call YOUCHOOSE2 ; call CLINE
signal ENTER
in=(lo+a)-1 ; guess=w.in ; turns=turns+1
co='c6' ; if turns//2=0 then co='c2'
if turns>10 then signal CHOSE3
pr='f0n1' ; po=turns ; call POSITION
pr=pr||'n'mt'>5'co ; se pr||guess
signal GETPIPS
pr='f0n1' ; po=turns ; call POSITION
pr=pr||'n'mt'>f>6'co ; se pr||guess
signal GETPIPS
pips=0 ; do i=1 to 5 ; co1=substr(myword,i,1)
co2=substr(guess,i,1) ; if co1=co2 then pips=pips+1 ; end
co='c2' ; if turns//2=0 then co='c6'
if guess=myword then do ; totpips=totpips+pt.turns
tr ' z1c7'totpips'z0' ; signal WIN ; end
if pips=5 then pips=10
tr ' 'co||pips ; totpips=totpips+pips
if totpips%5>0 then ghint=right(myword,(totpips%5))
if hint=1 then tr 'f0ndn8>1c2'right(ghint,5,' ')
if turns=20 & myturns=20 then signal FINISH2
signal MYPLAY
tr 'f0nfn4>f>f>f>f>5z1c7You won!z0'
if totpips>49 then do ; tp=totpips ; call CHECKSCORES ; end
signal FINISH2
se comstr'c6Which: c3(c21c3-c25c3)c6: c5' ; getchar
el=elim ; elim=result ; a=pos(elim,"12345")
if a=0 then elim=1
pr='f0nc' ; do i=1 to el ; pr=pr||'n1' ; end
tr pr'c2'el
pr='f0nc' ; do i=1 to elim ; pr=pr||'n1' ; end
tr pr'z7c1'elim'z0' ; call CLINE
se comstr'c6Which letterc3? c5' ; call GETLET
tr pr'>2c0 ' ; call CLINE ; call SETELIM
signal PLAY
se comstr'c6Which letterc3? c5' ; call GETLET
tr pr'>2c6'upper(le) ; call CLINE ; call SETELIM
signal PLAY
se comstr'c6Which letterc3? c5' ; call GETLET
tr pr'>2z7c5'upper(le)'z0' ; call CLINE ; call SETELIM
signal PLAY
myturns=myturns+1 ; mypips=0 ; call time('r')
tr 'f0nfn4>f>f>f>f>5c7o1My turn.o0'
se comstr'c3Thinking: c5'time('e') ; et=time('e')
if et>think then do ; call GETWORD ; signal MP1 ; end
a1=random(1,52,time('s')) ; a2=random(1,10,time('s'))
if myturns>10 then call GETWORD
myguess=subword(a.a1,a2,1) ; uw.myturns=myguess
if myturns>1 then signal USEDWORDS
if mypips=0 then call BADLETTERS
co='c6' ; if myturns//2=0 then co='c2'
if myguess=yourword then do ; mytotpips=mytotpips+pt.myturns
tr 'z4c7'mytotpips'z0' ; signal IWIN ; end
if mypips=5 then mypips=10
tr co||mypips ; call CLINE
if myturns=20 & turns=20 then signal FINISH2
signal PLAY
mypick1=mypick1+1 ; mypick2=mypick
if mypick1>52 then do ; mypick1=1 ; mypick=mypick+1
signal GETWORD ; end
a1=mypick1 ; a2=mypick2 ; se ' h2c1-E '
do i=1 to myturns-1
if uw.i=myguess then signal MYPLAY2
end ; do i=1 to 5 ; a1=substr(myguess,i,1)
do j=1 to length(wo.i) ; a2=substr(wo.i,j,1)
if a1=a2 then signal MYPLAY2
end j ; end i
signal MP2
pr='f0n1' ; po=myturns ; call POSITION
co='c2' ; if myturns//2=0 then co='c6'
if myturns<11 then pr=pr||'n'mt'>f>f>e'co
if myturns>10 then pr=pr||'n'mt'>f>f>f>f'co
se pr||myguess' '
do i=1 to 5
a2=substr(myguess ,i,1)
if a1=a2 then mypips=mypips+1
do i=1 to 5
call CLINE ; tr 'f0nfn4>f>f>f>f>5z4c7I won!z0'
if mytotpips>49 & m1='Yes' then do ; tp=mytotpips
call CHECKSCORES ; end
signal FINISH2
a.1 ='aback abate abbey abhor abide abode abort above acerb acute'
a.2 ='adapt addle altar amaze amour angel angle apart argue asset'
a.3 ='bacon badge baker balmy beast beech begin below berry bilge'
a.4 ='binge biome biped bogey bongo boost boxer budge bumpy burst'
a.5 ='cable cadet calve caste cedar chain charm chime chock churn'
a.6 ='clamp clock coast cobra colon coral count court curse cycle'
a.7 ='daffy daily dance dandy daunt death debug decay demon diary'
a.8 ='digit dingy dippy ditch diver divot donor douse dowry draft'
a.9 ='earth ebony eerie eject elbow elder elegy elope elude ember'
a.10='emery empty endow enemy enjoy enter epoch equip erase every'
a.11='fable faint fairy false feast felon fence ferry field fiber'
a.12='fight fight folly foray force forge fudge fungi fussy fuzzy'
a.13='gamma gaudy gauge gavel genre genus ghost ghoul girth giver'
a.14='gland glaze gleam glory glove goose gouge grace grand guilt'
a.15='habit handy happy harsh heart heave heavy hefty hinge hitch'
a.16='hoard hoist holly honey honor human humid humor hutch hydro'
a.17='ideal idiot idler image impel imply index indue inert ingot'
a.18='inker inkle inlaw inlay inlet inner input irony itchy ivory'
a.19='jaded jaunt jelly jewel jiffy joint joist joker jolly joule'
a.20='joust judge juice juicy julep jumpy junky jurat jurel juror'
a.21='kaput karat karma kayak ketch khaki kicky kinky kithe kitty'
a.22='klutz knack knave knead knife knock known koala kvass kylix'
a.23='label labor ladle lapse leafy leaky leash least libel libra'
a.24='light limbo lobby locus lodge logic lucky lumpy lurch lymph'
a.25='macaw macro madam madly mealy meant medal melon micro midst'
a.26='might milky model money mooch moody mucky mulch music musky'
a.27='nakad nasal nasty naval needy neigh nerve never niche niece'
a.28='night ninth noble noisy north nosey nudge nurse nutty nymph'
a.29='oasis occur ocean offer often okapi olive omega onset optic'
a.30='orbit order organ osier other ounce ovary ovine oxide ozone'
a.31='paced padre pagen paint peace peach pearl pecan piano piece'
a.32='pilot pitch point poise poker polar puffy pulse punch pupil'
a.33='quack quaff quail quake quaky qualm quark quart queen queer'
a.34='quell query quest queue quick quiet quill quilt quirk quote'
a.35='rabbi rabid radio radon reach react ready rebus rider ridge'
a.36='right rigid roach roast rocky rogue ruler rummy rumor rural'
a.37='saber sable saint salon sedan sedge seedy seize siege sieve'
a.38='sight silly soapy sober solar solid suave suede sugar suite'
a.39='table taboo tacky taken teach teddy teeth tempo tidal tiger'
a.40='tight tilde toast today token tonic tuber tulip tuner tutor'
a.41='ulcer ultra unarm uncle uncut under undue untie unzip upend'
a.42='upper upset urban uredo urine usage usher usual utter uvula'
a.43='vague valet valid value venom venue verge verse vicar video'
a.44='vigil vigor villa viola viper virus visit visor voice vomit'
a.45='wafer wager wagon waist weary weave wedge weigh widow wield'
a.46='wince windy woman women woody world wound wrack wrath wreck'
a.47='xebec xenia xenon xeric xylan xylem zebra zilch zippy zonal'
a.48='xebec xenia xenon xeric xylan xylem zebra zilch zippy zonal'
a.49='yamen yearn yeast yield yodel yokel young yours youth yummy'
a.50='yamen yearn yeast yield yodel yokel young yours youth yummy'
a.51='zaire zebra zilch zippy xenia zonal xenon xeric xylan xylem'
a.52='zaire zebra zilch zippy xenia zonal xenon xeric xylan xylem'
pt=1 ; do i=100 to 45 by -5 ; pt.pt=i ; pt=pt+1 ; end
do i=1 to 4 ; pt.pt=40 ; pt=pt+1 ; end
do i=1 to 4 ; pt.pt=35 ; pt=pt+1 ; end
do i=1 to 20 ; uw.i="" ; end
do i=1 to 5 ; wo.i="" ; end
getchar ; le=result ; call CHECK
if letter=0 then signal GETLET ; else se le
letter=letter*2-1 ; pr='f0ncn'elim
do i=1 to letter ; pr=pr||'>1' ; end
se 'f0nfn4>f>f>f>f>4 '
se comstr' '
el=elim ; elim=elim+1 ; if elim>5 then elim=1
call CHOOSE2
if po<11 then mt=substr("123456789a",po,1)
if po>10 then do ; po=po-10
mt=substr("123456789a",po,1) ; end
getchar ; an=result ; call CHECK
if an="N" then tr 'No.'
else tr 'Yes.'
tr 'f1n4>az7c1 W O R D O z0'
tr '>az1c7 H I G H S C O R E S z0'
tr '>ac5========================='
call open(file,scorepath,'r') ; s0=readln(file)
do i=1 to 5 ; s0=readln(file)
parse var s0 1 n.i 21 s.i + 20
tr '>az4c3 'n.i'c6'left(s.i,4,' ')
tr '>az0c5-------------------------'
end ; call close(file)
se 'n1c3Please hold...'
s1='No One Yet 50 '
call open(file,scorepath,'w')
call writeln(file,mstring)
do 5 ; call writeln(file,s1) ; end
call close(file)
tr 'c6Thanks!'
if tp<s.5 then return
se comstr'z3c4 Congratulations! z0'
tr '!1<9<9c7 A New High Score'
if m2='Yes' & tp~=mytotpips then do ; getuser 1 ; handle=result
tr 'f0nc' ; sp=copies(" ",78) ; do i=1 to 5 ; tr sp ; end i
tr 'f0ndc3Type an c6alias c3to use in the c5High Scores c3file, or'
tr 'simply press c7ENTER/RETURN c3to use your current handle.n1'
se 'c7=> c2' ; receive ; an=result ; call CHECK ; if an~='' then handle=an
end ; do i=1 to 5 until tp>=s.i ; end
do j=5 to i by -1 ; jj=j-1
n.j=n.jj ; s.j=s.jj ; end
n.i=left(handle,20,' ') ; s.i=tp
if tp~=totpips then n.i=left('The Amiga!',20,' ')
call open(file,scorepath,'w') ; call writeln(file,mstring)
do i=1 to 5 ; s1=n.i||s.i ; call writeln(file,s1) ; end
call close(file)
if ~exists(scorepath) then do ; parse var mstring m1 m2 m3 m4 m0
return ; end
call open(file,scorepath,'r')
s0=readln(file) ; do i=1 to 5
s.i=readln(file) ; end ; call close(file)
parse var s0 m1 m2 m3 m4 m0
think=20 ; if m3='Guess' then think=40
if m3='Try' then think=30
tr 'f1n2z7 c1WORDO Maint: z0n1'
tr ' c71c6. c5Reset WORDO & High Scores.'
tr ' c72c6. c2Can Amiga Get High Scores c7: c3'm1
tr ' c73c6. c5Use Alias in High Scores c7: c3'm2
tr ' c74c6. c2Play Level of the Amiga c7: c3'm3
tr ' c75c6. c5Allow the Hint Option c7: c3'm4
tr ' c76c6. c2Save & Quit WORDO Maint.n1'
se 'c1Option: c4' ; getchar ; an=result ; call CHECK
if an<1 | an>6 then signal MAINT2 ; else tr an
if an=6 & fl=0 then do ; tr 'n1c7Quitting...' ; return ; end
if an=6 & fl=1 then do ; call SAVEMAINT ; return ; end
if an=1 then do ; tr 'n1c7Resetting Wordo...' ; call MAKESCORES
tr 'n1Wordo Reset.w2' ; signal MAINT ; end
if an=2 then m1=subword('No Yes',pos(left(m1,1),'YN',1),1) ; fl=1
if an=3 then m2=subword('No Yes',pos(left(m2,1),'YN',1),1) ; fl=1
if an=5 then m4=subword('No Yes',pos(left(m4,1),'YN',1),1) ; fl=1
if an~=4 then signal MAINT2
tr 'n1c6The c5Amiga c6opponent will:n1' ; fl=1
tr 'c71c6. c5Guessn1c72c6. c2Tryn1c73c6. c5Thinkn2c6to win the game.n1'
se 'c7Which level? c3' ; getchar ; an=result ; call CHECK
if an<1 | an>3 then a=2
m3='Think' ; if an=1 then m3='Guess'
if an=2 then m3='Try'
signal MAINT2
se 'n1c7Saving c1parameters...'
s0=m1||' '||m2||' '||m3||' '||m4||' 0'
call open(file,scorepath,'w')
call writeln(file,s0) ; do i=1 to 5
call writeln(file,s.i) ; end
call close(file) ; tr 'hahac1Parameters c7saved.'
se comstr'c7Are you sure? ' ; call GCHAR
if an="N" then do ; call CLINE ; signal PLAY ; end
tr 'f0nc' ; sp=copies(" ",78) ; do i=1 to 5 ; tr sp ; end
tr 'f0nd>fc7Your word was: z3c1'yourword'z0c7 Your total is: z3c1 'totpips' z0'
tr 'n1c7>f My word was: z3c4'myword'z0c7 My total is: z3c4 'mytotpips' z0'
se 'n1>fc2Want to play another game? c6(c5Yc6/c5nc6)c2: c3'
call GCHAR ; if an="N" then signal QUIT
tr 'f1n9c7Please hold...n2' ; signal START
tr 'f1ndc5We will meet again, human...'
le='c7Played z1c3 W O R D O 2 . 0 z0q1'
signal LEAVE
LEAVE: ; logentry le ; bufferflush ; exit
CHECK:;if ARG() & ARG(1)~='###PANIC' then return ARG(1)
getcarrier;if result='TRUE' then if ARG() then return ARG(1);else return
logentry 'Lost Carrier!!';bufferflush;exit
SYNTAX:;ERROR:;IOERR:;e1=' Error: 'rc' ('errortext(rc)')'
e2=' Line: 'left(sigl,4)'File:';gu 1311992;a=result;gu 1311960
b=result;c='"'a||b'"';e2=e2' 'c;tr e1;tr e2;logentry e1;logentry e2
e=translate(sourceline(sigl),"\{","");do while e~=''
e3='Source: 'left(e,37);tr e3;logentry e3;e=substr(e,38);end;bufferflush
\****************************************** Frontiers BBS (716)/823-9892 **/